
Baseball Tips On Hitting: Your Baseball Hitting Style Belongs To You Only!

Some things are better off being left alone. Your personal baseball hitting style is one of them. It is yours and doesn't belong to me, your coach or anyone else!

Your baseball hitting style is what you do at the plate before you swing the bat and baseball hitting mechanics are what you do when you are actually swinging the bat. If a coach wants to help you improve your baseball hitting mechanics, that's one thing. But your very personal hitting style is an entirely different matter. It's something that is your personal choice to do before the baseball hitting actually takes place. The smarter coaches will recognize this and leave your style totally up to you!

The point here is that basically you can do whatever you want as far as style is concerned and your style should not be altered by anyone. Sometimes fewer baseball hitting tips are better than more. Your baseball hitting style is something that you have decided gets you the best prepared to hit the baseball.

Baseball hitting styles vary tremendously from hitter to hitter and that's the way it should be. If you're comfortable waving the bat around, go for it. If you're comfortable rocking back and forth, that too is absolutely fine. Styles vary, but you'll find that after the style comes the mechanics of the swing and all the good baseball hitters are similar and have sound mechanics.

I know a baseball hitter who has the "style" of waving the barrel of the bat around in a very pronounced manner just before swinging the bat. It is definitely something you would not go out of your way to teach a player to do at the plate. But you know what? That's his personal choice and the best way for him to prepare to hit. After all the waving of the bat, when the real moment of truth arrives and the actual baseball hitting takes place, he has outstanding mechanics. He has a very quick bat and a "short to the ball" yet violent swing and that's why he is an extremely successful hitter! Wouldn't it be foolish to ask him to change his style? Quite often coaches confuse mechanics with a player's personal hitting style. Personally, I could care less if a hitter stands on his head while getting ready to hit. Who cares? The only thing that matters is that he has to be ready when the real moment of truth arrives.

Sometimes baseball players can be over managed. Occasionally, a baseball coach should forget about all the baseball tips on hitting and take a step back and let the players play. Yes, a baseball coach should by all means help you with baseball hitting mechanics or he shouldn't be coaching. But as far as your personal style, as a baseball hitter, just do whatever you feel prepares you the best to hit the baseball and nobody involved in baseball coaching should ever try to take your personal baseball hitting style away from you!

You are in the hot seat at the plate and you have to feel comfortable when you are hitting. Not me, not your coach and not anyone else. If your coach gives you a hard time, please have him contact me at his earliest convenience because we definitely need to have a chat!


Four Golf Swing Basics You Need to Know

When learning the golf swing, there's so much information out there that at times it can be confusing. There's an over complication of the swing so this article will give you some simple golf swing basics that you can put into practice for great results.

The Fundamentals

To get a good swing you need a good set-up. The set-up and grip are both crucial to getting good consistent shots. So ensure that you have a good grip. Whether it's the overlap, the interlock or the ten finger baseball grip, you should have a light grip pressure you want to be relaxed. The "Vs" formed by the thumb and forefinger should point toward your right eye.

Next you want to ensure that you're set-up correctly firstly check your alignment at address. To do this imagine a line going from your ball to your target and stand parallel to this line. Then ensure that your body - hips, shoulders and feet are square, parallel to one another and to the target line. Next aim your clubface at the target.

Now that you're correctly aligned you need to ensure that your stance and posture are correct. Firstly stand with your feet shoulder width apart (the width of the stance should however vary depending on club but this is just a basic set-up for now), then bend at the hips and flex your knees

Make sure that you set-up with the weight on the balls of the feet and evenly balanced between your front foot and your back foot. You should then tilt your spine just slightly away from the target. You should now have the correct grip and set-up position just make sure that you feel relaxed and that you have a nice light grip pressure.

Basic Swing Shape

I want to just give you a quick understanding of the basic swing shape. Basically the swing moves in a circular shape, the "swing path" and the "swing plane" refer to two different but related things.

Let me explain... the 'swing path' refers to the path which your swing takes and the 'swing plane' refers to the angle of the swing path in relation to the ground.

So these terms are different but very much interrelated as the swing path follows the plane, now this plane is tilted it's an inclined plane. It's not vertical like a Ferris wheel but nor is it horizontal like a merry go round but rather it is tilted somewhere in between.

Correct Body Rotation

A lot of golfers are so focused on where their club is through the swing that they forget to rotate their body properly. Rotating your body correctly gives the swing power and accuracy. So before you begin the swing you should have your hips and shoulders parallel.

The rotation begins with the hips and shoulders. The hips complete their rotation before the shoulders in the backswing. The downswing rotation continues with the hips leading first followed by the shoulders.

The Importance of a Square Clubface

Having a square clubface from address to impact is vital for good golf. If your clubface open or closed through the swing or at impact then you are going to hook or slice the ball. Getting solid square contact with the ball at impact will produce a straight accurate shot. This of course is what you want.


Golf Psychology: Using Mental Imagery to Improve Your Game

So what is mental imagery?

In the Inner Golf Coach Audio program we look at how our mind assimilates information through our sensory inputs* or representation channels* and how we can use our understanding of this process to help recall memories or create images in our minds eye.

Mental imagery* is the specific application of this technique and it involves golfers imagining themselves in a specific environment or situation, performing a specific activity. The images should have you, the golfer, performing activities such as playing specific shots, closing out a game comfortably, playing the opening holes well, anything you wish to think about, however, you should always see yourself performing well and successfully.

You should see yourself enjoying the moment and feeling satisfied with your performance. You should attempt to enter fully into the image with all the power of your senses and representation channels. See, hear, feel, touch, smell and perform as you would like to perform for real. It's also worth noting that when you are in a fully relaxed state, you are particularly receptive to mental imagery, so using the relaxation and focus techniques mentioned earlier will definitely help with this process.

But what can Mental Imagery be used for?

Well it has many applications before, during and after a round:

You can use Mental Imagery to visualise success: Many golfers "see" themselves achieving their goals on a regular basis, performing skills at a high level and seeing the desired performance outcomes. Remember, your subconscious mind does not differentiate between what's imagined and what's real. So rehearse enough mentally, and your mind will believe.

You can use Mental Imagery to motivate yourself. Before or during a round or practice session, calling up images of your goals for that session, or of a past or future competition or competitor - can act as a motivator. It can remind you of your objectives, which can result in increased focus during your round or practice session.

You can use Mental Imagery to perfect skills. Mental imagery is often used to aid the learning and refinement of skills. The best golfers "see" and "feel" themselves performing perfect shots, routines and golfing skills on a regular basis.

You can use Mental Imagery to familiarise yourself- with all kinds of things, such as a course or hole layout, seeing how you will play each hole, a game plan - familiarise yourself with what you will do in a competition environment, refocusing plan - what is it - how do you get back into it when things go wrong. There are many applications where Mental imagery can help you become familiar with something.

You can use Mental Imagery to help you refocus. Mental imagery can be useful in helping you to re focus when the need arises. For example, if during your warm-up you're feeling sluggish, imagining a previous best round or previous quality drive can help get things back on track. You can also use imagery as a means of refocusing during the event if need be.


Clay Tennis Court Construction

The very name of clay court reminds you of French open, Italia Open and the god of clay court - Rafael Nadal. The concept of clay courts is highly variable in terms of materials and the methods of clay tennis court construction, so an in-depth know-how is an utmost requisite. In many countries including France and United States the so called Clay Courts actually may not contain Clay at all. The reasons why they are called so are because they tend to behave very much similar to a clay court. Today the fast-dry type courts are very popular due to their building cost and low maintenance. These are known to be the "Synthetic Clay "courts. When deciding among the Natural and Synthetic courts there are few points that need to be taken care of. First thing to check is the availability of synthetic materials in your locality. For example if good quality clay is available then it might be cheaper to build a clay court than importing synthetic granules to build a court. The climate also plays an important role. As natural clay tends to hold and capture moisture for a long it cause sever building damage if the place you are staying has far amount of precipitation. Cost of maintenance, a clay court with surface level drainage system will definitely cost less than maintaining a below surface level irrigation for synthetic court. Not to be forgotten the availability of water source for natural clay court.

Following are the tips for constructions:

Firstly check with the authorities if a special permission will be required to build a tennis court. Usually if your backyard is the place then no permission is required.

A standard tennis court is 120ft by 60ft, but for general purpose court 110ft by 55ft will the do the job quite adequately. Not only this it can save a fortune which can be used in building a store house.

Fencing around the back of the tennis court can be visually less intrusive.

The thickness of the clay tennis court can impact the speed and bounce of the ball. A thicker court will mean the ball will speed away after hitting the ground. Similarly a softer court will slow down the speed but for the very same reason the ball bounces higher and a player gets more time to take his or her shot.

As discussed earlier drainage can take a severe toll on your budget if not planned properly. The elevation of the court if same as the surrounding area will assist a lot in surface level drainage system.

For a natural clay court, the basic rule goes like 8 inches of cinders, then 1.5 inches of gravel , 3 inches of clay and on top around 1 inch of surface mixture. Color of the surface is very important in reducing the glare of the sun.

The aesthetics of the court should be given extreme care. For a great range of color and textures there are varieties of materials available today. Not only texture, they also come in various grades from very fine to coarse materials. These can play important role to control from the amount of slide to the speed of play. The depth of granules over the surface can be cleverly adjusted to control the degree of slide on a synthetic clay court.

Dusting the tennis court with chloride of calcium helps to bind the surface material and make the courts wear better.

Even after every care been taken there can be chances that after first rain small depressions start to appear. These should be marked and gradually brought to grade by light top dressing of the clay surface mixing.

Finally, a court set open on the landscape can be somewhat of an eyesore. Plant some trees at a distance so that broken shadows dont fall on the court. Also borders of low shrubs around the court can harmonize the same with a natural look.


Cosmetic Surgery For Your Golf Mind

What does cosmetic surgery and golf have in common? This may seem to be a strange question because at first these two things are so totally different. But there are aspects of golf mentality which align with the emotional links to cosmetic surgery.

If you look at why people seek cosmetic surgery it is because they want to look better. This is the obvious reason. But underlying that, they would like to feel more accepted, attractive and confident. These are the real reasons why they go to the severe lengths of invasive surgery. For some people their surgery provides this result, but not for all. Sometimes all that is achieved is their superficial goal and not the real results which they so crave.

In golf, you frequently hear people passing comment about the look of another person's swing, or their own. Golfers find themselves thinking that so and so’s swing is a beautiful sight; that it is so rhythmic, compact, elegant, etc,etc. Golfers also comment on another golfer "keeping his head down" or remaining still. And then these same golfers go away and try to make their swing or their body look like that other person's.

Golfer's buy endless gear and have loads of lessons and trying to achieve a particular "look" is one part of their focus. It is very easy to get carried away by the look of a golf swing and forget that the ultimate goal is to get the job done; to get the ball into the hole in as few strokes as possible. What does the look of your swing actually have to do with this goal?

Like cosmetic surgery, a beautiful swing does not always provide you with the confidence that you crave. And success in golf, as in everything in life, is dependent on that particular ingredient - confidence. Yes, there are certain basics within a swing which are going to make it easier to hit the ball square and along the right swing path. But an ugly swing can in fact work just as effectively, if not more so.

Having confidence in an ugly swing is going to get the job done far more effectively than a beautiful swing or so called ideal technique in which you have little or no confidence.

Roseanna Leaton, avid golfer and specialist in golf hypnosis mp3s and author of the GolferWithin golf mind training system to provide golf confidence for amateurs and professionals alike.

P.S. Discover how to develop your golf confidence. Grab a free putting mind mp3 from my website now.

How Does Buying Sports picks

As many beginning sports bettors learn, making your selection can be a though task. Often time these novice bettors will seek the opinions of a professional sports handicapper. There is nothing wrong with hiring the services of pro. Think of it as seeking the advice of a financial professional for someone who wants to invest in stocks but doesn’t know what to buy. Sports investing are no different.

How does sports buying and selling truly function? How is it distinct than sports betting? The truly fascinating factor about sports market is how they are organized and the way dynamic the buying and selling process is. Not like sports betting there is no line or odds. Rather than betting on the group at specific set cost, you produce a trade around the rankings ladder or level spread of a reside sport. You are able to acquire or promote a group, player, or sport inside the standing and around the stage spread of no matter what marketplace you select. This generates elasticity with in a marketplace exactly where purchasers can turn out to be sellers, and setters turn in to customers inside a dynamic battle with the marketplace.

As many beginning sports bettors learn, making your selections can be a tough task. Often times these novice bettors will seek the opinions of a professional sports handicapper. There is nothing wrong with hiring the services of a pro. Think of it as seeking the advice of a financial professional for someone who wants to invest in stocks but doesn't know what to buy. Sports investing are no different.

Sports betting don’t accomplish elasticity. Even if you're reside betting, you might have to pick in case you desire to accept a set bookie cost after which you might be caught together with your wager till the finish from the sport. Positive you are able to constantly make yet another wager later on should you wish to alter your place, but you'll essentially be drowning your self within the juice which is produced by betting odds. How enjoyable is always that?

Sports buying and selling clearly produces freedom and liquidity inside the marketplace location. Now lets get a nearer take a look at the various sorts of markets you are able to take part in whenever you trade sports.

Using the services of more than one handicapper allows you to ride the hot streaks of each handicapper and avoid the cold streaks increasing your profit, but again this would be twice as costly as paying a single handicapper. So what's the best solution?

The best way to get the pros top picks while eliminating the high cost as well as those nasty cold streaks is to use a professional sports picks network. Using only the picks from the cappers on hot streaks and sharing the cost with other bettors makes sense... and profit.


Barcelona and Real Madrid make La Liga Primera one of the most watched league in Europe

The constant duels between Barcelona and Real Madrid, in a wide range of competitions, from the domestic league, the Copa del Rey and The UEFA Champions League, the games disputed between these two teams, brought thrilling entertainment to fans and watchers from all over the world.

No wonder Spain is the current World and European Champion. The vast majority of players that are selected for the Spanish National Team are from Barcelona and Real Madrid. Victor Valdes, Gerard Pique, Carles Puyol, Xavi Hernandez, David Villa, Andres Iniesta from Barcelona, Iker Casillas, Sergio Ramos, Xabi Alonso from Real Madrid are all key players for the Spanish National team, and the value of those players and the work and sacrifices they have made, brought them 2 international trophies, in the last 2 most important international tournaments, the 2008 European Championship and the 2010 World Cup.

In this season of the Liga Primera, Barcelona is clearly dominating this competition. With only one loss in the entire season, in the second round against Hercules, Barcelona is leading the table with 88 points, 8 points ahead rivals Real Madrid with only 5 rounds still left to be played. Against Real Madrid they got a memorable 5-0 win in the first game played at home in the 13`th round. Real Madrid tried to get their revenge at home, but they could only get a 1-1 draw, and that after Barcelona opening the score and Real Madrid running for the equalizer.

If the title is almost sure in Barcelona`s stand, the other important trophy in the Spanish football, the Copa del Rey trophy went to Madrid. Very close game, with lots of opportunities from both teams. After 90 minutes it was 0-0, but it took only a slight error by Barcelona`s defense to let Cristiano Ronaldo open to have a chance to the goal. He scored with a great head-kick and the trophy went to Madrid.
Real Madrid brought Jose Mourihno on the bench this year, and they thought that will be enough to win the Championship and the Champions League this year. Well it was not nearly enough and both competitions seem out of reach this year. It looks like they will have to settle with the Copa del Rey trophy and hope for better results next year.
They started well the championship with 12 games without defeat, but then the fatidic 13'th round came and they were demolished by Barcelona, 5-0. They tried to came back in the Championship, but they ended loosing more games as they should have, getting the loss number to 3, the last one at home, 3 rounds ago against Gijon.

They still hold the record for the most UEFA Champions League trophies won, 9 and they will hold it for some time to come, but this year the 10`th trophy seems to be out of reach. There is still one game left to be played, and they will travel to Barcelona next week in a show of courage. This club is noted for its ability to make the impossible possible. This is Real Madrid and with this spirit it will travel to the Camp Nou in an attempt to turn around a tie that many might consider hopeless.
With the end of the season fast approaching, both teams will try their best to achieve the goals they have still to play for, La Liga and the Champions League, high hopes for Barcelona to win both trophies, Real Madrid must start to believe in miracles.

Spurs wins in OT and survives the Grizzlies

The Spurs had only 1.7 seconds left. They needed a miracle to stave off elimination. And quite frankly it seemed as if they had used up their miracle shot already.

The San Antonio Spurs had the best record in the Western Conference Regular Season. At 61-21 overall and 36-5 at home, Tim Duncan and the rest of the Spurs had a good argument to aim at bigger things. Many of us believed that given the right conditions, we could see one heck of a matchup between the Spurs and the LA Lakers down the stretch. Little did I know (and I assume, that was the case for most everyone else) that the Memphis Grizzlies were going to work San Antonio so hard.

We have to face the fact that Memphis had been the dominant force in this game. This game five could have been the last game of the season for San Antonio. The Spurs had only 1.7 seconds left. They needed a miracle to stave off elimination. And quite frankly it seemed as if they had used up their miracle shot already. When there were only 3.3 seconds left in regulation time, the Argentinean Manu Ginobili, who scored 33 points, hit a long corner jumper while falling out of bounds in front of the Spurs bench. The shot was originally ruled as a 3-pointer. Upon further review, the official called it a 2-pointer as Manu’s left toe was over the line. That kept the Spurs behind by 95-94, and after two free throws from Memphis, the Spurs were down 97-94 with only 1.2 seconds to go.

Gary Neal had just completed a 3-point beauty in O.J. Mayo’s face to keep the Spurs alive.

If the Spurs knew any tricks, if they knew how to invoke yet another miracle, this was the time to do it. There was no tomorrow for San Antonio. It was time to pick their clutch time man. But who was going to take the shot? Manu Ginobili, or Tony Parker, perhaps Tim Duncan could repeat his memorable tying 3-pointer with 3 seconds left against Phoenix in the 2008 playoffs in an electric double-overtime win? Well, it was an undrafted rookie who managed to catch the inbound pass with just 1.2 seconds to turn, drive and jump from behind the three-point arch. Time expired as the ball flied down to the rim. Gary Neal had just completed a 3-point beauty in O.J. Mayo’s face to keep the Spurs alive.

Once in overtime things got interesting, but not nearly as close as they did in the fourth quarter. Zach Randolph led the Memphis Grizzlies with 26 points and 11 rebounds. He was brilliant down the stretch where he scored 18 points in the fourth quarter and overtime. The Spurs, on the other hand, reacted to the pressure and found an answer in Tony Parker’s game. He assured a Game 6 in the overtime scoring 6 of his 24 points in the overtime.

Only eight teams in NBA history have ever come back from a 3-1 deficit in a 7 game series. The odds are not necessarily on their side, but the Spurs, seem to have what it takes to put on one heck of a fight. San Antonio was the NBA's winningest team for most of the season, until the Chicago Bulls caught up with them. San Antonio needs desperately to become that 9th team this season. They all know this might be their last good shot to win a fifth championship in the Duncan era.


Greatest Approaches For Planning Basketball Drills

Most basketball players know that if they want to get better they need to practice often, but there are various ways drills should be planned so as to be as effective as possible. You have to carefully consider the particular team and the individual players before you decide what drills to use. You will need to consider the skill level of each player, as well as what skills the individual players need to build. If you want to create the best basketball drills, use the following tips and techniques.

The drills you plan, whether they are for you or they're for other people, need to be planned with an understanding of why drills are so crucial. Some players feel that if they play enough games, that drills are redundant.

When players such as these aren't playing basketball, they will play with a few friends or they'll just practice their jump shots on their own. It's no wonder that these players find these activities more engaging than organized drills, but that's the problem. Playing basketball will only have you concentrating on shooting and scoring, while drills will actually help you develop the skills necessary to shoot and score effectively. Everyone has to work on practicing essential aspects of the game, over and over again, even if it can be tedious. The alternative is to keep making the same mistakes without progressing. Basketball drills were made up to isolate different skills and make the players continue doing them until they are done properly. In addition to dribbling and taking shots, it is essential that players are basically comfortable and capable of handling the ball at gametime. This means that they are capable of smoothly shifting position and not lose control of the ball or be get out of balance. That's why drills such as the Figure 8, where you move the ball through your legs and all around your body are so important. Players must know how to shift the ball with or without dribbling it, and without viewing it because this is the requirement for playing during the games.

Basketball drills should always concentrate on a specific part of the game, like shooting. Players aren't likely to get bored practicing how to shoot because that's how they score in the game, and so shooting is one of the primary aspects of the entire game. Shooting fouls is one drill they should focus on, but they also need to work on shooting from all different positions, and also while being guarded. The best shooters in basketball are able to make split second decisions on when to shoot, and they have to be able to aim and throw the ball from almost any position on the court. Basketball drills need to focus on this specific skill.

Basketball drills are a part of the game that is critical for beginners and experts alike. Even professional players will not do it properly if they do not practice on a regular basis. Drills provide players an avenue for learning how to do skills correctly and to brush up on the things that they need to practice. The suggestions discussed above should be kept in mind when planning basketball drills, so your team can make the most of its practice time.

There's no question that there are various things that can assist you to boost your abilities in almost any sport, including basketball,football and volley ball, and probably the most important of them is the vertical jump ability.

In case you would like to increase your vertical jump skill, then take a look at the sites down the page for a couple of recommendations.

Go Golfing And Use These Tips To Win

While golf is a simply game in concept, the reality is that it requires much more thought than simply getting the little white ball into the hole. If you want the ball to follow your vision, you must be accurate, patient, and have a strong upper body. Keep reading for guidance on how to improve your game.

In golf, being in a positive, competitive mental state is of equal importance as being prepared physically. Try to forget about other stresses you have and focus on your golf game.

Focus 100% on your upcoming shot. Don't dwell on a bad play at the previous hole, or worry about what's up ahead, but concentrate on the task at hand. When you do make a mistake, just take note of what you did wrong. From there make the changes necessary to succeed; you don't want to let them consume you.

If you have access to a golf simulator, practice your swing on it. If you don't find ways to practice in other ways. A good swing is the core element of a solid game.

See to it that you're holding the golf club the right way before your swing. Your thumbs should stay pointed downward, and the handle of the club should sit lightly against your palms. Your hands should be touching. Make sure you are choking up on your club if you desire to hit your ball longer distances.

For a better golf swing, you should have flexible, strong, and limber arms. While arms are not everything when it comes to a golf swing, adding muscle can help add a little extra power. You should also make sure they are stretched and massaged well. Massage helps loosen the muscles and joints, and supports the movements necessary for the best golf swing. Yoga can be a great way to keep your arms and torso flexible to ensure you have a smooth golf swing.

The best way to improve your overall golf game is to improve your stance. The position you have usually dictates the distance your golf ball travels. The golf ball will not travel very far if you slouch too much or too little.

Try making the next round more interesting by offering a reward. For example, set up a small prize of lunch or drinks in order to spice up the game more than it would be to play for the best score. The prize doesn't need to be valuable, it's really just there to make your usual weekend game a little more fun.

Stay between 3 and 5 feet behind the ball, looking at where you want to hit it to. Remember to consider external factors as well, such as wind. Thinking briefly before taking your swing will help you hit the ball in the right direction. Once you are ready to take the shot, you can confidently swing and send the ball flying where you intended it to go.

Don't use your legs too much when you golf. This may be detrimental to your swing. Your legs are critically important for giving you power and shifting your weight properly, but you need to avoid doing it excessively. Excessive leg movement will detract speed from the club and reduce distance from your swing.

Avoid stiffening your swing when you are on the approach to the ball. This is a common mistake that will impact your game. When it's time to hit your ball, you want to do it properly, with power coming from loose muscles free of rigidity. If you're as stiff as a wall, your improvement will not happen.

Nearly anyone can enjoy a good game of golf, but only people who take golf seriously will strive to make their swing perfect. With the benefit of the tips provided here, you can supercharge your own golf game.

Differences Between Money Lines and Points Spreads

Straight bets are the most common ones amongst the different wagering types, and the reason of their popularity is their simplicity, as the bettor is asked to make a single pick either on the money line, the side or the over/under, granting him a 50/50 chance of winning the wager.

When putting a bet on the money line, you are betting to a particular team, player or sporting event to win, you can either pick the favorite or the underdog, the favored line looks like -300, which means that in order to win $100 dollars, you need to place a wager for $300, which will pay you a total of $400, which is the amount you bet plus your winnings.

And when it comes to the non-favored team, you are provided with a line that looks like +400, which means that in order to make $400, you need to place a bet for $100, which is an indication of how hard it will be to win it, as you get to risk less to win more.

Wagering on the point spread allows the bettor to wager on a favored line that looks like -5, which means that in order to win the bet, your picked team needs to come up with a victory that can actually cover the spread. For example, if you bet on the Bulls -5, and the final score is Chicago 100, Miami 92, it means that you win the bet because when you take 5 points out of your team’s final score, it comes to be 95, which is still higher than the 92 points from the Heat.

On the other hand, if the final score was 100-97, and you picked the Bulls at -5, it means that even though your selected team won the game, you lost the wager, as when you take 5 points out of the 100, you end up with 95, which is less than Miami’s 97 final points.

The difference between point spreads and money lines is that when you bet on the latest, you get to riskmore cash on the favorite, but possibilities of winning are higher, while sides are often -110 lines, which means that for every $110 dollars that you wager, you will get an extra $100 in return, which makes it a more convenient way of placing wagers for regular bettors.

As you can see, both lines and sides are quite attractive, which is why it is quite recommended to try both for a while to check which wagering type is actually the one that is more appealing to you.