
"Get to Grips with Golf" - Spine Angle and Posture

When I think of posture I think of spine angle. In fact this is the one major thought which I personally focus on throughout my golf swing. I strongly believe that by getting your spine angle right at set up, and maintaining it throughout your swing, you will soon develop a consistent, balanced golf swing.

Imagine that a pole through the top of your head running down your spine is the central axis of your golf swing, and that your swing turns around this fixed axis. I promise you that by getting this one simple element of your swing correct you will dramatically improve the overall shape and quality of your golf swing.

Outlined below is a simple routine for you to follow that will help you develop the correct posture and spine angle.

1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart, and parallel to the ball-to-target line.

2. Grip the club and hold it straight out in front of you at a right angle to your body, and parallel to the ground. It should be approximately just below shoulder height.

3. Now slowly start to lean forward by bending at the waist keeping your back nice and straight.

4. Flex your knees slightly, and stick your backside out a little. The feeling I have myself is one of sitting on the edge of a table.

5. Continue to lean forward until the club head touches the ground. Your arms should now be hanging in a relaxed, natural position clear of your body.

6. One final thing - make sure that your head is lifted clear of your chest. This is, in my opinion, another vital element on which you should concentrate. By keeping your head away from your chest, and looking at the ball down your nose, you are able to turn your left shoulder underneath your chin on the backswing and establish a full shoulder turn.

From the front there should virtually be a straight line from your left shoulder, through your left arm, and club shaft to the ball. The right shoulder will be slightly lower than the left, and the right arm slightly bent at the elbow. Your weight will be pretty evenly distributed between both feet, and will slightly favour the right side when hitting a driver.

Get used to this new posture position by repeating the above routine over and over and over again until it becomes second nature. I promise you that the benefits in terms of improving the shape, balance, and consistency of your golf swing will be well worth the effort.

