
The Heel/Toe Weighting Concept For Golf Putters Is Here To Stay

The TOWD (True Orbit Weighting Dynamics) design family of putting instruments are for those players seeking an advanced skill level. By inducing a precise and repeatable putting stroke, through a near perfect arced pendulum effect, with a consistent, passive face rotation, The TOWD putters generate optimal passive feel, making TOWD putters the most advanced and easiest to use putting instruments in the game. Playing on undulating greens, of variable speed, the feel from TOWD putting instruments for rolling the ball, making meticulous strokes of exact distance and line control is without equal.

The more you use a TOWD, the more it becomes an extension of your anatomy and the more precise and confident your putting evolves, until a kind of awakening develops as you line-up your putts. Putting as artistry, through science, is now yours. You only need to focus on the read and the speed. Mechanics become a reliable memory.

These putters employ high density Toe High/Heel Low��¢ masses which move with virtually equal inertia. A dynamic never before achieved in head design. A movement dynamic that once experienced, is the new standard, satisfying the most demanding requirements of any accomplished player. These putters "know" what to do because they are designed to take advantage of the subtle yet complex physics of putting dynamics. Putting tools that help guide the user to proper swing mechanics. There is no need to manipulate the head to overcome unfavorable inertial forces. The feeling is one of a more passive stroke where the putter seems to do all the work. Resulting in the most solid feeling and repeatable putting stroke a player could experience. Physics and bio-mechanics evolve into what the user experiences as artistry and feel. The guess work and doubt of what the putter might do, disappears, leaving you to properly concentrate on the ball and the green. Demystifying the stroke, the mystery is now our advantage.

It is well accepted that heel/toe weighting in putter heads has been the most significant advancement in putter design technology since its creation. The majority of the best putters made over the last 4 decades incorporate this design feature in some way. It is a superior element to creating a "forgiving" roll, with a greater transfer of inertia at impact. Yet traditional heel/toe weighting has limitations. It's purpose is to create stability at impact and does not address the effects of movement dynamics throughout the stroke. The TOWD has overcome those limitations through a vast improvement, Toe High/Heel Low��¢ weight dynamics, creating the most advanced, dynamic putter design available.

The common heel/toe configuration in putter heads, has those masses moving parallel to the ground through the stroke. However, the shaft and swing plane move on an incline through the stroke, anywhere from 10 to 23 degrees or more away from 90 degreesvertical. (The rules of golf require this.) Naturally, the putter moves through the stroke on an incline plane, inducing a small horizontally arced swing path. As the putter is moved in the back swing, the head naturally moves inside the target line and the putter face swings open in relation to that line. Ideally, the face stays perpendicular to the swing path arc throughout the swing. The face opens and then sequentially shuts, back to square. At impact, the toe mass must move at a greater velocity than the heel mass to get the face to square at impact. The toe mass is further out from the center of rotation of the swing arc than the heel, so the toe must travel a greater distance, at a higher velocity to get back to square. This heel/toe velocity differential varies with the different length strokes required for each putt as well, making a repeatable, precise club face squaring at impact, much more of a challenge than it need be. The TOWD design eliminates this problem once and for all.

