
How to Improve Your Golf Swing - 3 Tips

Working to achieve that perfect golf swingis the elusive Holy Grail for millions of amateur and possibly hack golfers. Professional golfers are a rare breed because they know they will never attain perfection, yet they continue to work towards that goal all the time. As you know quite well, we're sure there are many methods and approaches to make your golf swing rise from the ashes like a phoenix. Remember, there is more to golf than simply hitting the ball as hard as you can. You can also work effectively to bring your accuracy into more control, as well. So I want to help you out, and I am going to discuss three tips that can help you with your golf swing.

Most people automatically assume that one has to hit the ball harder when going into the wind, and that is a falsehood. Doing this can actually cause you to hit the ball higher and put more spin on it. Loss of ball accuracy and of course your control is the result of hitting hard into the wind. What you want to do is make the ball closer to your stance by about a couple inches. Then in addition to that adjustment, you want to place your hands a bit forward. Finally, your choice of club; use one that is longer than that which you would normally be using. Then just hit the ball like normal without hitting harder. Again, practice that and you'll see better results with more control plus accuracy improvements.

You'll want to maintain body weight on the inside of the right foot. For those who are just starting out, they really need to learn that one well about weight distribution. Putting your weight on that leg will allow you to create more power in your swings. Your ball will not be consistent as it travels if you do not have your weight properly displaced on your right knee. You must maintain that steadiness factor in your game. Your right leg needs to be like a tree trunk, but not rigid of course.

Keep your right hand in a "hitchhiker" position on your back swing. This means that when your club is at waist height you should be able to look back at your hands and see your right thumb pointing upwards toward the sky. The handshake position is now where you want your left hand to be during this swing. Straight out with the palm to the right. Doing these things will improve your swing and again your overall game. There are a lot of ways to approach the game of golf. One of the most important, though, is to really just have fun with it. It is possible to have a blast while you're doing your best to improve and execute what you know you need to do. Every golfer wants a perfect golf swing with lots of power - fine, go get it and work on it. Sure, knowledge is important and great, but you have to practice on your swing as much as possible. You can share these golf swing tips with your golfing friends and see what they think about it.

