
PurePoint Golf Instruction – Common Mistakes when Pitching & Golf Swing Tempo

Ever wonder what the most common miss/hit golfswings are when pitching a golf ball? It's when you top it, when you skull it, or when you hit it real, real thin and it runs over the green. I'm going to tell you why that happens.

A little review of the setup: ball in the middle of your stance, your weight left and handle forward. But here's the first mistake most of you make.

When the club starts back, you start back. Now 70% of your weight isn't on your left leg. And if you do that, it's very difficult to get the club underneath the golf ball.

So, the most common golfswing is when you slide backwards and you hit the ground behind it, or you top it or skull it.

Now, here's the next most common mistake that I've seen over the years. Everybody thinks that to hit a great pitch shot you have to have this beautiful, high followthrough.

As a matter of fact, that is not true for pitching the ball up in the air.

It's a very pretty golfswing, but so many of you have been sold on the idea that you have to follow through real high.

To stop from skulling or topping the ball, weight in the middle, handle left, weight on your left side, swing the arms up and swing the arms down in the downswing.Up/down makes the golf ball go up.

Now, many golfers hit it fat. This is caused by the club being to vertical. If you go too vertical, you'll wind up chopping the floor.

After you get all set up, make sure you're not leaning too far over on the left side. A little weight on your left side, but the trick is to swing the golf club up on the inside. And that will give the golf club a little better angle into the back of the ball.

Now, let's talk about the golf swing tempo. How many times have you stood in the middle of the fifth fairway at your local golf course and you always hit 9 iron from that little bush?

Or you always hit 7 wood from that little tiny tree on the side of the fairway, but today there's just a little breeze in your face, or maybe the pin is in the back of the green? And you really don't want to hit 8 iron and you really don't want to hit 5 wood, but you'd like to hit the club you're trying to hit a little bit further?

I want to give you a little tip, or a little pearl on how to hit it further by increasing your golf swing tempo, but I don't want you to get hung up on the fact that it's just for the driver. This can be for any club.

The next time you're out, try this. Take a couple of practice swings. Warm up before you hit the ball, and then raise the club up in the air like you would a baseball bat.

If you can swing it in the air and increase your golf swing tempo, that's 20% harder than I usually swing a golf club. Then put it down on the ground and do the same thing twice. Step up to the ball and give it a whack.

Now, if the truth were known and we went out and measured that 9 iron, I guarantee you that 9 iron went 10% further than my average 9 iron.

So, here it is. Make sure that just before you get ready to hit that you raise it in the air and increase your golf swing tempo a little bit faster than you normally would. Then put it on the ground and give it some swish. And then put it up to the ball and give it a whack.

Don't forget, the further you hit it the more offline you might be.

So, if you're looking to hit it a little bit further, try that practice session.

